>> Services
>> Ergo
Team Development
BodyLogic will facilitate the entire process, starting with the formation
and composition of the team, through targeted ergonomic education,
and putting in place robust structures and procedures. The team
will learn how to recognize ergonomic hazards in the work place,
develop solutions, present the alternatives to the decision makers,
and help with implementation. The team will also be responsible
for the ongoing raising of awareness of ergonomic safety in the
plant. Periodic follow-up is strongly encouraged to maintain momentum
generated by the initial training, train new members as needed,
and assist in problem solving when additional expertise is required.
- BodyLogic will provide “brown bag” training classes to raise
the awareness of ergonomic hazards in the work place. Participants
will learn self-help techniques for work place improvement and
injury prevention.
- Detailed
individual work station evaluations will solve the underlying
causes of repeated or ongoing injury associated with a particular
person or task, and decrease employee exposure to, and risk of,
overuse injury.
- BodyLogic will consult with procurement staff to ensure the purchase of
employee friendly furniture and accessories. Thoughtful purchases
are a cost effective, pro-active strategy to help maintain employee
health. The correct choices will significantly help in the lowering
of risk exposure. The cost of such purchases need not be high,
and will be far lower than the cost of any retrofits.
- The Ergonomics
Audit. This is a day long ergonomic safety inventory for a company
that includes: a walk through of the physical site, interviews
with employees, perception of corporate safety culture, and analysis
of company injury and absentee records. The feedback to the company
will provide a starting point for future ergonomic safety efforts.
Recommendations may include (but are not limited to) changes to
the physical environment, employee training, and organizational
strategies. Solutions will be presented as completely as possible.
- BodyLogic will perform a detailed ergonomic analysis of specific high risk
tasks or processes. The analysis will result in a range of possible
solutions designed to minimize future risk to employees during
the performance of the job. Recommendations may include engineering
changes to the physical site, updating administrative policies
and individual work practices.
- An ergonomics
program should be integrated into the company's Health and Safety
program. A comprehensive ergonomics program will include Physical
Demands Analysis (PDA) of all positions for which there is a written
job description. BodyLogic will perform
the requested PDA’s in the manner described below, but will
also help incorporate the PDA’s into the existing
safety program, and make suggestions to help increase the effectiveness
of the overall Health and Safety program.
- A PDA is
a quantitative examination of the physical demands of the duties
of a specific job or position. A PDA will allow the organization
to better understand the interaction between the worker and their
specific working environment. Many functions may be served by
a PDA, and these may include:
- To create, or update, an accurate
and complete job description
- Identify
ergonomic issues existing within current jobs or tasks
- Provide
medical professionals (physicians, rehabilitation specialists,
case managers) with guidelines for an employee's safe return
to work
- Identify
areas that may benefit from ergonomic re-engineering
- Identify
work practices that could be modified
- Help
establish pre-placement screening for job applicants to ensure
new hires are a good fit for the position
- Create
a data base of positions that:
may be described as “light duty” for the purposes
of a return to work program
could be modified to fall into the “light duty”
- Facilitate
the return to work of workers injured on the job to safe and
productive positions
The results
of a PDA may assist in developing solutions which will: reduce injuries
and discomfort on the job, facilitate early return to work, reduce
the chance of re-injury on the job, improve worker satisfaction,
reduce errors, and improve quality. Using ergonomic techniques,
like PDA’s, allows for a better and safer match between a
workers’ (or an injured workers’) capabilities and the
demands of the job.
Experience has
shown a greater acceptance and cooperation in the process and subsequent
use of PDA’s (for applicant screening, early return to work,
modified duty , and so on) if all interested parties are involved
from the beginning of the process. This includes management, supervisors
and unions.