The cost of workplace injuries keep soaring.
The direct cost of workplace injuries in Corporate North America rose
3.6% to $40 billion in the 2002 (Liberty Mutual's 2002 Workplace Safety
What did your organization spend? What are you doing to manage your injuries?
Do you have a current injury prevention program? Does it meet the standards of a successful program?
Are your results measurable, both statistically and by way of
employee feedback?
Is it well branded?
Does it have consistency and longevity?
Is it practical in it's implementation?
Do your employees respond positively to the training?
BodyLogic Health Management is a leader in the industry
of on-site Injury Prevention programs. We simply provide the best
in employee education, and facilitator training through high quality
educational materials and creative energetic training techniques.
Our clients know what a successful injury prevention program is.
Do you?
People generally want to do the right thing. But what if they don't know what the right thing is?
Have you given your employees the information they need to know to prevent and manage their injuries?